
Stages in the development of the crysalis project
Stages in the development
of the crysalis project
Stage 1
Mission Definition
This first stage aims to define the objectives and requirements of the demonstration, as well as establishing the mission schedule and operational concept in the Nyx environment. In addition, it involves a market study and an evaluation of different uses cases, to help in the definition of possible architectures and technologies for the demonstrator.
Stage 2
Demonstrator preliminary design
The preliminary design of the demonstrator encompasses the definition of architecture, technologies, and processes. This involves the detailed design and development of key subsystems, as well as the creation of numerical models for detailed cryogenic propellant modelling.
Stage 3
Preliminary ground testing
A complete Bread-Board Model (BBM) will be designed and tested to verify the design of the system and to analyse the accuracy of the modelling performed. This testing will include analyses of the flow processes, cooling application, and control loops, as well as functional and characterisation tests of the individual subsystems. During this phase of the project, UPC will also perform a series of drop tower tests, to better characterise the acoustic measurement systems.
Stage 4
Demonstrator redesign, MAIT, and qualification
Based on the knowledge gained during the BBM test campaign, the flight demonstrator will be redesigned in detail. The Demonstrator MAIT (Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration, and Testing) will then be performed, including the integration of UPC’s acoustic system into Absolut’s fluidic demonstrator.
After functional testing, the demonstrator will be sent to CSL for qualification testing to ensure demonstrator can withstand the harsh conditions of space and launch, by testing in various conditions including vibration, shock, and thermal vacuum chambers.
Stage 5
Finally, the demonstrator will be sent to TEC’s Munich facility for integration into the Nyx capsule, from where it will be transported to the launch site, in-preparation for the orbital mission.
Stage 6
Orbital demonstration
The key objectives of this orbital demonstration are to demonstrate the storage and transfer of cryogenic propellants in microgravity. This is an important capability for future space missions that rely on cryogenic propellants, and the demonstration will provide valuable insights into the feasibility and efficiency of such operations.
This -orbit demonstration aims to collect and process test data generated during the demonstration. This data will be analysed to assess the performance of the spacecraft and its systems, providing valuable information for future missions and technological advances.